Pokumon.com was created to archive the Pokemon TCG’s multi-decade history. It is the internet’s most complete database of promotional and special release Pokemon TCG cards, as well as a thoroughly-researched archive of historical articles and images.
While most other Pokemon TCG fansites focus on the news and near-future events, Pokumon looks in the opposite direction and specializes in preserving the rich history of the most popular trading card game on the planet. Our database only has promotional and special release cards. If you’re looking for a database of regular set cards, pkmncards.com is an excellent resource.
Since the Pokemon TCG grew up alongside the early internet era, much of its history is archived in either print media (magazines, comic books), or in now-defunct websites. Pokumon aims to preserve as much of this as possible in an accessible way for international audiences. We do this through direct translation of primary materials like official magazines and websites, as well as interviews with notable people associated with the Pokemon TCG.
None of the card images in our database are watermarked, as we believe that information should be freely accessible to Pokemon fans everywhere without interference. All our articles are also completely free to read, and many feature translated scans that are available nowhere else on the internet.
If you would like to contact us, reach out to pokumoncontact@gmail.com .
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The most direct way to support Pokumon is to donate!
All donations will go towards offsetting server costs and future maintenance of the site. If you’ve enjoyed any content here or have found a card you wouldn’t have found otherwise, we’d really appreciate it!
You can explore our cost structure below on this page. We aim to be as transparent as possible to show you exactly where your donation is going.
How can you help?
Adding Images
We’re always looking for better images on the site! If you have a higher-quality image or the missing image for a card, upload it to a site like imgur and use the button on the card’s page to send it to us.
For a list of cards that are missing images, click here.
Researching & Writing Articles
If there’s an article that you’re interested in authoring, contact us at pokumoncontact@gmail.com for instructions.
Article writers will have a guest author account created for them, and all future articles they write will also be credited to that same account.
Additionally, if you have photos or flyers / memorabilia that is relevant to an existing article, contact us to have it edited in and credited to a social media / website link of your choice.
Running a website like this isn’t free! Research costs like buying old magazines / pamphlets as well as technology costs like domain and hosting costs add up over time. If you’ve found anything on this site helpful, please consider donating.
FAQ & Cost Breakdown
Frequently asked questions
Who made your amazing logo?
The Pokumon logo was made by Victoria Joh!
What is this site built in?
This site is built with a custom WordPress theme and Elementor. The backend is piped in through a separate database and populated as custom post types. It is currently hosted on a shared hosting site.
How does this site monetize?
The site features ads from Google Adsense, as well as eBay affiliate links on each of the card detail pages.
When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network.
Where do you get all your images?
Card images come from a variety of sources. Some are official like the Pokemon TCG’s various regional websites., and others are secondhand, such as eBay, other marketplaces, and personal collections of people like myself other other collectors.
How do you research your articles?
Article research is done through both official first party sources (Official Pokemon magazines / websites) and third-party ones. Each article cites its sources at the bottom, and we aim to have at least one first-party source or multiple corroborating third-party sources for each claim.
Cost Breakdowns
Technology costs
- Hosting costs: $400 / year
- Domain name: $18 / year
- Plugin costs: $90 / year
Research Costs
- Purchasing materials: $400 / year
- Card Image + Database entry: 5 mins~ / card
There are currently 8,917 cards in the database. - Article translation, research, and writing: 10 hours~ / article
There are currently 80 articles in the database.