In 2012, the 6th Pokemon Black and White Set, Cold Flare was released in Korea. To commemorate the occasion, Pokemon Korea held a lottery where entrants would need to mail in barcodes from eligible products.
1000 winners would be selected to receive 2 exclusive full art promo cards: a Rayquaza EX and a Giratina EX.
These were similar to the Rayquaza EX and Giratina EX that were distributed in Japan in a similar lottery campaign.
Winners were mailed their prizes in early 2013 in a pamphlet. This had slots cut into it to hold the prize cards.

The interior of the pamphlet had an example card that synergized with each of the prize cards. Rayquaza’s card was Eelektrik (released in the English Noble Victories) set, whose Ability “Dynamotor” allowed the player to more quickly charge up Rayquaza’s attack that discarded attached energies.
Giratina’s synergy card was Sigilyph (released in the English Dragons Exalted set), whose Ability “Safeguard” allowed it to stall against opponent’s Pokemon-EX while energy was attached to Giratina to fuel its expensive attacks.
The exterior sides of the pamphlet congratulated the winner for winning the BW6 Lottery, and the reverse side advertised an upcoming preconstructed deck that would be released on February 14.