The 2012 Korean World Championship: National Team Selection was held in Yangjae-dong Center in Seoul, Korea from June 9 – 10, 2012.
Similar to the international World Championships, it featured both TCG and VGC events. Winners of this event would be invited to represent Korea at the 2012 World Championships.
The VGC tournament took place on Saturday June 9, while the TCG tournament took place on Sunday, June 10 2012. Like the national championships in Japan, there was a junior, seniors, and masters division.
Bingo Activity
The TCG tournament featured 8 side attractions, and at each one participants could earn up to 2 bingo stickers. Winning the bingo activity would earn players the badge in the event flyer above, and all participants would also get a promotional Zorua with the event stamp. Attendees also received a Poke Ball-shaped guidebook for the event.
Tournament promos
Players who participated in the TCG tournament would also receive a special Battle City promo card with the event watermark. This card featured special patterned holofoil.
Unlike the US however, Korea received stronger support from The Pokemon Company International in the form of exclusive trophy cards, similar to those given to Japanese competitors. These would often mimic the cards given out in Japan.
For the first time in Korean Pokemon TCG history, trophy promos were given out to the top 4 finishers. 1st and 2nd place got gold and silver Victory Cups, while 3rd and 4th place both got a quarterfinalist bronze Victory Cup.