In the summer of 2009, Pokemon launched an event called the Pokemon Battle Tour 09 (ポケモンバトルツアー09 in Japanese). This summer event was meant to engage players during the time until the Japan World Championship Representative Tournament later in the fall of 2009.
In previous years, the Battle Road events would’ve occupied this summer spot, but since that had been discontinued with Battle Road 2008, the Pokemon Battle Tour was held.
Battle Tour 09 events were primarily held in AEON (previously known as Jusco) hypermarkets across Japan from July 11 – September 6, 2009 in the following 44 prefectures:
- Hokkaido: Jusco Sapporo Hiraoka store on July 12, 2009
- Aomori: Jusco Shimoda store on August 2, 2009
- Iwate: Jusco Maesawa store on August 16, 2009
- Miyagi: Jusco Tomiya store on July 26, 2009
- Akita: Jusco Goshono store on August 2, 2009
- Yamagata: Jusco Yamagata South Store on August 15, 2009
- Fukushima: Jusco Koriyama Festa on August 30, 2009
- Ibaraki: Jusco Shimotsuma store on August 2, 2009
- Tochigi: Jusco Sano New City Store on July 11, 2009
- Gunma: Jusco Ota store (Gunma prefecture) on July 19, 2009
- Saitama: Jusco Yono store on August 8, 2009
- Chiba: Jusco Tsudanuma store on August 16, 2009
- Kanagawa: Jusco Chigasaki store on July 26, 2009
- Niigata: Jusco Niigata South Store on August 23, 2009
- Toyama: Jusco Takaoka Minami store on July 12, 2009
- Ishikawa: Jusco Kaga no Sato store on July 19, 2009 and Jusco Kahoku store on August 30, 2009
- Yamanishi: Isawa Sati on July 20, 2009
- Nagano: Jusco Ueda store on August 16, 2009
- Gifu: Jusco Ogaki store on August 9, 2009
- Shizuoka: Jusco Ogaki store on August 1, 2009
- Aichi: Jusco Toyohashi South Store on July 18, 2009
- Mie: Jusco Yokkaichi North Store on August 29, 2009
- Shiga: Jusco Nagahama store on August 23, 2009
- Kyoto: Jusco Rakunan store on August 30, 2009
- Osaka: Jusco Dainichi store on September 6, 2009
- Hyogo: Jusco Kasai Hojo store on August 16, 2009 and Jusco Shinshu Main Store on August 29, 2009
- Nara: Jusco Kashihara store on August 2, 2009
- Wakayama: Jusco Shingu store on August 23, 2009
- Tottori: Jusco Tottori Kita store on July 26, 2009
- Shimane: Jusco Daejeon store (Shimane prefecture) on August 14, 2009
- Okayama: Jusco Aeon Kurashiki on July 20, 2009
- Hiroshima: Jusco Ujina store on July 12, 2009
- Yamaguchi: Jusco Hikari store on August 30, 2009
- Kagawa: Jusco Takamatsu store on July 25, 2009
- Ehime: Jusco Niihama store July 11, 2009
- Koichi: Jusco Kochi store on August 23, 2009
- Fukuoka: Jusco Chikushino store on August 16, 2009
- Saga: Jusco Saga Yamato store on August 9, 2009
- Nagasaki: Jusco Omura store on July 12, 2009
- Kumamoto: Jusco Claire Kumamoto store on July 20, 2009
- Oita: Jusco Park Place Oita on July 26, 2009
- Miyazaki: Jusco Miyazaki store on August 23, 2009
- Kagoshima: Aira Sati on September 6, 2009
- Okinawa: Jusco Naha store on July 26, 2009
Battle Tour 09 was divided into multiple sub-events. Each one of these sub-events would award participants with a cosmos holofoil Mewtwo promo card, as well as a basic Psychic energy.
Knockout Battle
This event was split into 2 leagues: a standard league and a half league. There were no age divisions or limits for this event.
Standard League
Players in the standard league would play single elimination matches with 60-card decks and 4 prizes. Those who won 3 consecutive battles in this league would receive 2 new Victory Medal cards featuring the legendary Pokemon, Arceus.
Half league
Players in the half league would play single elimination matches with 30-card decks and 3 prizes. Those who won 3 consecutive battles in this league would receive just the silver Victory Medal card.
Rental Decks
Both the standard league and the half league had “rental” decks that players who didn’t bring an appropriate deck could use to play. Despite their names, players couldn’t actually “rent” the decks, and instead purchased them.
Standard league participants were able to pick between 2 decks: “DPt Construction Standard Deck: Arceus Lv. X Grass & Fire”, or “DPt Construction Standard Deck: Arceus Lv. X Lightning & Psychic”. The decks were available for 1,400 yen each.
No. | Card | Quantity |
001/017 | Electrike | 3× |
002/017 | Manectric | 1× |
003/017 | Arceus | 3× |
004/017 | Gastly | 3× |
005/017 | Haunter | 2× |
006/017 | Gengar | 1× |
007/017 | Gulpin | 2× |
008/017 | Arceus | 3× |
009/017 | Bronzor | 2× |
010/017 | Bronzong | 1× |
011/017 | Arceus LV.X | 1× |
012/017 | Potion | 2× |
013/017 | Beginning Door | 2× |
014/017 | Switch | 2× |
015/017 | Poké Ball | 2× |
016/017 | Professor Rowan | 2× |
017/017 | Mom’s Kindness | 4× |
— | Lightning Energy | 8× |
— | Psychic Energy | 8× |
— | Metal Energy | 8× |
No. | Card | Quantity |
001/017 | Tangela | 2× |
002/017 | Treecko | 3× |
003/017 | Grovyle | 2× |
004/017 | Sceptile | 1× |
005/017 | Arceus | 3× |
006/017 | Ponyta | 3× |
007/017 | Rapidash | 1× |
008/017 | Arceus | 3× |
009/017 | Wingull | 2× |
010/017 | Pelipper | 1× |
011/017 | Arceus LV.X | 1× |
012/017 | Potion | 2× |
013/017 | Beginning Door | 2× |
014/017 | Switch | 2× |
015/017 | Poké Ball | 2× |
016/017 | Professor Rowan | 2× |
017/017 | Mom’s Kindness | 4× |
— | Grass Energy | 8× |
— | Fire Energy | 8× |
— | Water Energy | 8× |
Half League participants could rent an exclusive “Pokemon Battle Tour 09 Challenge Deck”. This 30-card halfdeck was only sold at Battle Tour 09 events, and consists of straight reprints from Moonlit Pursuit/Dawn Dash, Cry from the Mysterious/Temple of Anger, Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky, the Garchomp vs Charizard SP Deck Kit and the Arceus LV.X Deck: Grass & Fire. It “rented” for 500 yen.
These cards feature no unique symbol or set number, unlike most Japanese special releases. The only new card was a promo Heatran, which was exclusive to the Half deck.
No. | Card | Quantity |
050/DPt-P | Heatran | 1× |
— | Torchic | 2× |
— | Combusken | 2× |
013/092 | Ponyta | 2× |
014/092 | Rapidash | 2× |
— | Chatot | 1× |
— | Felicity’s Drawing | 2× |
016/017 | Professor Rowan | 2× |
— | Poké Radar | 2× |
— | Energy Pickup | 1× |
009/016 | Energy Restore | 1× |
011/016 | Switch | 2× |
— | Fire Energy | 10× |
Battle Trial
This event was recommended for beginners. It was limited to elementary school students and younger. Players would play games with 30-card half-decks, and the exclusive “Pokemon Battle Tour 09 Challenge Deck” was available to “rent”.
Pokemon TCG First Classroom
Similar to the side events held at Battle Roads in previous years, this event had staff members teach players how to play the game. It was limited to elementary school players and younger.
Pokemon Heart Gold / Soul Silver Trial

This event hosted an area to play the new Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon SoulSilver video games. Even though it was a video game event, participants would still receive the promotional Mewtwo card for participating in it.
Other Prizes
All members of the Pokemon Daisuki club who attended and showed their membership card would be given an Arceus postcard.
Players could also compete in a Quiz Rally and answer trivia questions about Pokemon. They were given answer sheet cards to fill in and redeem for prizes. All participants would get a sticker sheet, and various other prizes like coins and other Pokemon merchandise could be won.
There was also a lottery that participants could earn an entry for based on the money they spent at the event (1 entry for every 500 yen). Prizes had some exclusive merchandise like a card file with the event logo on it, and card-shaped stickers.