The 2001 International Tropical Mega Battle (or World Exchange Battle) was the third international championship event for the Pokemon TCG. Once again, the tournament returned to the Hilton Hawai’ian Village in Honolulu, Hawaii from August 25 – 26, 2001.
Similar to previous years, the children 14 or under were invited from around the world to compete if they qualified. In total 23 players from 10 countries attended:
- Japan: 11 players
- America: 6 players
- United Kingdom: 1 player
- Germany: 1 player
- France: 1 player
- Italy: 1 player
- Sweden: 1 player
- Denmark: 1 player
- Portugal: 1 player
- Netherlands: 1 player

Japanese Qualifiers (2001 Neo Spring Road & Neo Summer Road)
Similar to the previous year’s World Challenge Summer, 2001 had a series of regional tournaments in Japan that culminated in “Best in Japan” matches for both junior (14 and under) and senior (15+) age groups. These were known as Neo Spring Road and Neo Summer Road.
Only the juniors winners of the Neo Summer Road events would be invited to the 2001 International Tropical Mega Battle. There were also lottery winners from side events at the Neo Summer Road tournaments who won a spot at the international event.
Non-Japanese Qualifiers
The top players 14 or under from non-Japanese countries were invited to the event, with America sending multiple players. Other European countries like Denmark only sent a single qualified player to represent them in the event (usually the No.1 juniors division player in the country).
2001 Tropical Mega Battle Event
Similar to the 1999 and 2000 events, the 2001 International Tropical Mega Battle was attended by several notable people. Documented attendees include:
- Ron Foster – The translator for Pokemon TCG, and during 2001 the territory manager for Korea and Japan)
- Imakuni? – Famous Japanese Musician, and featured on multiple joke TCG cards and in the Pokemon TCG Gameboy game.
- Mike Gills – Wizards of the Coast employee known as “Master Trainer Mike”
- Johanna Cox – Wizards of the Coast Event Marketing Manager
- Keith Strohm – Wizards of the Coast Vice President of Pokemon Products Group. Would later go on to be the COO of Paizo publishing (publisher of the Pathfinder tabletop game) and author several fantasy novels.
- Peter Adkison – CEO of Wizards of the Coast
- Tsunekazu Ishihara – Founder of Creatures Inc, President of Media Factory, and creator of the Pokemon Trading Card Game.
- Junko Hanna – Pokemon Company translator
Competitors all received a Battle Dictionary that translated TCG terms across multiple languages, as well as a paper that translated generation 2 Pokemon names.
Deck Format – Proposition 15
The 2001 Tropical Mega Battle event used a slightly different set of rules from the standard tournament ruleset. WIzards had decided to implement “Proposition 15”, in which a player was only allowed to play up to 15 trainer cards in their deck.
This change had been considered as far back as the 2000 Tropical Mega Battle the previous year, and was meant to curb the prevalence of Haymaker decks that combined powerful basic Pokemon like Base Set’s Hitmonchan with a plethora of utility trainer cards.
Day 1

Unlike the previous two years, the first day of the Tropical Mega Battle (TMB) did not have a large agenda for attendees.
Participants were allowed to explore Honolulu, followed by lunch and an evening of unstructured Pokemon TCG free play in the evening from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm.
Staff members from Wizards of the Coast (WotC) were available to play attendees, and they distributed various prizes for playing. In particular, WotC employees had stacks of cards that participants could take after playing them, ranging from standard Wizards Black Star promos to cards like the Prerelease stamped Clefable.
Day 2
The second day had two events. The first would be the “VS Shield Battle”, during which each player was given the same preconstructed deck of cards. The second was a constructed tournament, but each players’ deck was only allowed up to 15 trainer cards.
After the opening remarks by Media Factory’s Mr. Takahashi and Wizards of the Coast’s Keith Strohm, players handed their constructed decks to staff members so that they could be checked for the proper number of trainers.
VS Half Deck

For the VS Shield Battle tournament, each player was given a preconstructed 30 card deck in their native language. The exception to this were the Dutch, Portuguese, Danish, and Swedish players, who each received the deck in English. They were given the decks in orange deck boxes given out at the Japanese 2001 Neo Spring / Summer Road tournaments, along with a VS coin given out at the same events.

The deck was identical to the Tyranitar Half Deck that was released in Japan earlier on July 7, 2001 to commemorate the theatrical release of the fourth Pokémon movie, except that the Tyranitar and Darkness energy were replaced by an exclusive promo card, Tropical Breeze (in Japanese, Tropical Wind).The Japanese version was numbered, and part of the P promotional series. The other language’s cards were all unnumbered.
Since the non-US, non-Japanese countries only sent 1 player each, those copies of the card are extremely rare. The French and Italian ones have never been seen.
Other than the Tropical Wind promo, Japanese players received the same cards as the ones available in the retail Tyranitar Half Deck. However, attendees from other regions received decks that were translated into their native languages, making those cards exclusive to the event. The only exception were the energy cards, which were identical to the ones in the retail Japanese deck. In total, this meant that each deck had 17 event-exclusive cards.
Because Media Factory printed these cards and not Wizards of the Coast, they use a different templating from other English cards, and use the Japanese-styled templating instead.
VS Shield Battle
The tournament had special rules. First of all, each player would only play with 3 prize cards due to the reduced size of the decks. Secondly, the player who went first would not draw a card during their first turn, unlike in normal games.
After playing the first round of games, staff members realized that one of the cards in the non-Japanese half deck had been misprinted. Clair’s Mantine was mistakenly printed with a Psychic resistance instead of a Fighting resistance. When the half decks were handed out again in 2002’s Tropical Mega Battle this was corrected
English version with the error from 2001
Corrected German version from 2002
After the error was discovered, players had to play the first round again. This heavily changed the results of the first round. The 3 American players who had lost in the original first round ended up winning in the re-played round. In fact, most of the players from other countries who had lost in the original first round ended up winning in the re-played round.
After the VS tournament had concluded, the participants took a lunch break. After the break, the constructed portion of the event would begin.
Constructed Tournament

Participants were handed back their decks, sleeved up in golden official Pocket Monster sleeves. Some of them needed to be changed to abide by the 15 trainer card limit. There would be 3 rounds of Swiss play, then a top 8 cut to a single elimination tournament based off performance in the previous VS Shield Battle and the constructed tournament.
There were also several restricted cards, meaning decks could only have 1 copy. These cards included powerful staples like:
- Base Set Blastoise
- Base Set Electabuzz
- Base Set Energy Removal
- Base Set Super Energy Removal
- Base Set Double Colorless Energy
- Jungle Scyther
- Neo Genesis Cleffa
During the swiss portion of the tournament, a issue came up with the Blaine’s Charizards cards that players were using. The first attack on this card differed in effect depending on what language the card was in.
The Japanese print of the card instructed the player to discard all Fire energy attacked to Charizard, and then Charizard would deal 20 more damage for each energy discarded besides the first energy used to pay for the attack cost. The English print would also discard all attached Fire energy, but dealt 20 more damage for each fire energy card discarded. This meant that the English translated attack would always deal 20 more damage than the Japanese equivalent.
After issues were worked out, the tournament proceeded as usual. In the end, the top 8 players were:
- Sheng Zheng
- Michael Perucca
- Jorge Figueiredo
- Ryosuke Araki
- Andy Diedrich
- Dillon Jarman
- Jason Imperiale
- Michael Baia
The championship match came down to Jorge Figueiredo (from Portugal) and Andy Diedrich (from Germany), with Figueiredo emerging victorious.
3rd-8th place had their deck lists recorded by Edo. Unfortunately the finalists were playing throughout the tournament, so their decks were not recorded.
1 Mr. Mime
1 Cleffa
2 Steelix
2 Dark Blastoise
1 Blastoise
1 Wartortle
1 Dark Wartortle
1 Squirtle (BS)
3 Squirtle (TR)
3 Lapras
3 Onix
3 Articuno
3 Pokemon Breeder
1 Gold Berry
1 Professor Elm
3 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
1 Double Colorless Energy
1 Metal Energy
1 Darkness Energy
2 Full-Heal Energy
2 Rainbow Energy
16 Water Energy
3 Blaine’s Growlithe (L.20)
3 Blaine’s Arcanine
4 Cyndaquil
3 Quilava (L.21)
3 Typhlosion (L.55)
1 Cleffa
1 Ditto
1 Dratini (BS)
1 Dratini (TR)
2 Dark Dragonair
1 Dark Dragonite
1 Elekid
2 Pikachu (N1)
1 Item Finder
1 Super Energy Removal
1 Time Capsule
3 Gust of Wind
2 Blaine
2 Professor Elm
2 Professor Oak
3 Computer Search
1 Double Colorless Energy
18 Fire Energy
1 Elekid
1 Rocket’s Zapdos
1 Cleffa
1 Tyrouge
1 Electabuzz (BS)
2 Electrode (BS)
1 Voltorb (BS)
1 Voltrob (TR)
1 Lickitung (J)
1 Sneasel
1 Magmar (F)
3 Charizard
4 Charmeleon
3 Charmander (BS)
1 Charmander (TR)
1 Pokemon Trader
1 Super Energy Removal
1 Energy Removal
1 Focus Band
1 Item Finder
1 Gust of Wind
1 Pokemon Breeder
4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
1 Double Colorless Energy
1 Potion Energy
1 Metal Energy
1 Darkness Energy
2 Full-Heal Energy
2 Rainbow Energy
3 Recycle Energy
6 Fire Energy
5 Electric Energy
1 Scyther (J)
1 Wooper
1 Pikachu (N1)
1 Electabuzz (N1)
1 Elekid
1 Chansey
1 Cleffa
1 Magmar (N1)
4 Cyndaquil (L.21)
4 Quilava (N1)
3 Typhlosion (L.55)
3 Blaine’s Growlithe (L.20)
3 Blaine’s Arcanine
3 Pokemon Trader
4 Professor Elm
1 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Computer Search
1 Professor Oak
2 Gust of Wind
1 Item Finder
1 Double Colorless Energy
1 Darkness Energy
2 Full-Heal Energy
16 Fire Energy
4 Nidoran M
4 Nidorino
3 Nidoking
1 Scyther (J)
3 Oddish (TR)
3 Staryu (BS)
1 Cleffa
1 Pichu
1 Item Finder
1 Gold Berry
1 Super Energy Removal
2 Gust of Wind
3 Computer Search
3 Professor Elm
4 Professor Oak
1 Darkness Energy
1 Double Colorless Energy
5 Water Energy
18 Grass Energy
1 Chansey
1 Scyther (J)
1 Ditto
3 Lickitung
2 Sabrina’s Psyduck
2 Sabrina’s Golduck
3 Abra (TR)
1 Kadabra
3 Alakazam
2 Rocket’s Mewtwo
2 Mr. Mime
1 Super Energy Removal
4 Pokemon Center
2 Pokemon Breeder
4 Switch
1 Professor Oak
3 Professor Elm
1 Double Colorless Energy
23 Psychic Energy
Awards Ceremony
After the final match, players were instructed to meet for the outdoor dinner buffet and award ceremony out on the resort’s lawn. The ceremony began with some words from Tsunekazu Ishihara (creator of the Pokemon TCG) and Peter Adkison (CEO, Wizards of the Coast).
First place received a crystal plaque from Ishihara, with second and third receiving medals. All participants were given various prizes. In addition, two players received special commendations. Wizards of the Coast picked on Japanese player, and Media Factory picked one non-Japanese player.
Wizards of the Coast picked a Japanese player named Koichi Yokoyama. They recognized him for doing his best to communicate in English with his opponents. Media Factory selected Victor Kruzner (from Sweden), as he displayed an intense “fighting spirit” to his opponents. His decklist is also recorded below.
3 Rocket’s Mewtwo
4 Onix (N1)
3 Steelix
3 Rocket’s Hitmonchan
1 Pluspower
3 Switch
2 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Professor Oak
3 Computer Search
1 Metal Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
15 Fighting Energy
12 Psychic Energy
After the awards presentation, the dinner buffet began. Much like previous years, hula dancers and fire jugglers provided entertainment on stage.
After the dinner, participants were invited for free play, and Wizards of the Coast donated a few booster boxes to show the Japanese players how to booster draft. The winner of the booster draft was given a special bag by Ishihara.
Thus concluded the 2001 International Tropical Mega Battle event.
Next year’s event in 2002 would be the final Tropical Mega Battle Event, and not much is known about it, as written accounts don’t exist.
Wizards would host the 2002 World Championships in Seattle, WA. The World Championships (and subsequent transfer of license to Nintendo) would spell the end for the Tropical Mega Battles.
First-hand Account
The Tropical Mega Battle 2001
By Edo (edo_hrzic@hotmail.com)
Once again, the Tropical Mega Battle (TMB for short) was held in
sunny, downtown Honolulu, Hawai’i, on August 25th and 26th. The
place was the Hilton Hawai’ian Village. This year’s TMB marked
the third one for players of Pokemon around the world. Children
from the United States, Japan, Italy, Germany, and other
countries were invited to Hawai’i for a two-day extravaganza of
battling, and inter-cultural exchange.
The Pokemon Company was the host for the event. Wizards of the
Coast, who does not run the Tropical Mega Battle, was asked to
assist with the event, which they happily agreed.
———-| Day 01:
Unlike the first and second years of the TMB, this year’s TMB
didn’t have much to offer in the form of games. The first day
was for touring of the different countries. What followed was a
lunch, then later in the evening was free-battling from eight
o’clock to eleven o’clock.
Since I didn’t know about that until later, I went to get
something to eat at a local shop, then did some wandering around,
whereupon I found Ron Foster (Pokemon card game translator, and
currently the territory manager for Japan and Korea) and Michael
Gills, who were chatting. They were waiting for the lunch room
to close before a meeting was supposed to start in that same
room. The meeting would concern the how to deal with problems of
any sort that would happen on the second day’s festivities.
I waited outside the room for lack of better things to do, while
I started with some other notes. While I was waiting, some
Japanese individuals came out of the room, and sat a ways over to
my right, talking amongst themselves. Then, after a short while,
another Japanese individual came around. After talking to the
others for a bit, he cam over and greeted me.
The infamous Imakuni (no question mark since he was out of
costume) once again remembered me.
[“Long time no see,”] he said.
[“Yes, it has,”] I replied.
For around a half hour, Imakuni and I talked about various
things. I asked him about some good cities in Japan. We talked
about some other card games, which brought the subject to Harry
Potter, since Wizards of the Coast just recently released it.
I’m not a Harry Potter fan, but Imakuni asked if I had read any
of the books. I hadn’t, but he had read the first two. He was
waiting for the movie to come out so that he could compare it to
the book to see what was changed.
I went back to my car to get a present for him – a Birthday
Pikachu, whereupon I met Imakuni’s significant other, Nori
Yamamoto. All three of us talked a bit.
The meeting finished, and Imakuni and Yamamoto had to go back to
their rooms, so I went to get something else to eat before
returning for the free-battle.
A little after eight o’clock, I went to the free-battle room,
where some people had already started playing. I waited there
for a little while when I was greeted by an individual, who would
be known as Steve Perucca. He had known me from the Internet,
and the VS translations that he printed from my homepage. Mr.
Gills also showed up to start playing against all challengers. I
also met Jason Imperiale.
The room was beginning to fill up, and I started taking some
pictures. Mr. Gills then asked for me to take some pictures with
his camera as well. I couldn’t promise any good pictures, since
my photographic skills are below-average at best. I took about
ten pictures for him, and handed back the camera, as there isn’t
many pictures one can take of the same thing over and over again.
Mr. Gills games weren’t going so well, since the decks he was
playing were based on the Modified format, whereas everyone else
was using the TMB format. I decided to play my Ninetales-
Fireblast deck (which was also based on the restrictions from the
TMB, but not the fifteen Trainer card limit), but failed due to
Mr. Gill’s deck that was NOT based on the TMB format. Energy
Removals hit hard, and I ran out of cards when using Professor
Oak after Professor Oak to get what I needed. I was offered a
card from his promo stack, and I picked up a Prerelease Clefable
(though slightly marred on the back). I gave him a badge that I
made with my own button machine at home.
During the game, I talked with Mr. Gills about year three of the
Pokemon League. He couldn’t go into too much detail, but he
stated that year three would be composed of tournaments. There
wouldn’t be any badges, but promo cards would still be given out.
The second game was against Jason Imperiale and his Nidoking
deck. I was doing okay at first, but my lack of playing and
deck-building skills reached its peak, and I lost that game as
well. I handed over another of my badges.
Imakuni? showed up to play, and I watched a few of his games with
the other players. He was using some of the new VS cards in his
The room closed at eleven o’clock and I retreated home for a good
night’s rest. The next day’s festivities would begin around
eight o’clock in the morning.
———-| Day 02:
I arrived at the Hilton around eight-thirty, and a number of the
staff were already in the conference room. It wasn’t long before
the remaining players and staff filtered in for the event to
start. Johanna Cox, Wizards of the Coast Event Manager, gave me
her business card so that I could forward a copy of this report
to her before being released publicly.
At first, Mr. Takahashi stood up and read that standard
congratulatory speech for the players who made it to the event,
which was in English. Keith Strohm then was given the microphone
to also give his words of encouragement and congratulations to
the players.
The players were to hand in their constructed decks to the
Japanese staff for checking, while they played in the first
All of the players and their countries were called, whereupon
they stood up.
The first event of the day was the VS tournament; each player was
given a deck of 30 VS cards in their native language! Since they
are not available outside of Japan at the current time, it would
make an excellent collector’s item. For those that have some
Japanese VS cards, most of the cards were available in the
Japanese VS Movie pack (the one with Team Rocket’s Tyranitar),
except for the exclusive Tropical Breeze card (Flip 1 coin. If
heads, remove up to 2 damage counters from each player’s Active
Pokemon; if tails, each player’s Active Pokemon is now Asleep).
For the VS decks, each player would play with only three Prize
cards, to denote the smaller deck format. This should not be a
surprise; it was the same with the Two-Player Pokemon Starter Set
which is released by Wizards of the Coast. In addition, the
first player would NOT draw a card during his or her first draw
phase. Three rounds would be played of these VS cards.
The first round went relatively smoothly, but when it was
revealed that one of the cards has a misprint on it, as compared
to the other countries’ versions, the first round had to be re-
played. This turned out to be a reversal of fortune; the three
American players that had lost on the first round actually won on
the re-played first round. This was not just the Americans; for
most of the players, the ones that lost on the first round ended
winning in the re-played round.
When the VS games were completed, it was time for a lunch break.
I was invited by Mr. Foster and Mr. Gills to join some of the
Wizards staff for lunch. We went to a Japanese restaurant right
next to the Hilton, where I has Katsu-Don (breaded pork and egg,
all on top of rice). We all then headed back to the conference
room, where the constructed deck event would be initiated.
The decks were handed back to their respective owners. Some had
to be slightly modified, as they were illegal. Those that needed
to be changed were simply over the fifteen Trainer limit
regulation. However, all the decks had been outfitted with gold-
colored Pocket Monster card sleeves. Three rounds would be
played, then the top eight would face off.
As I was taking some pictures, I began to notice the decks. Some
of them included Blaine’s Fire Decks, Nidoking (Jason
Imperiale’s), Psychic, Blastoise (even though it was a restricted
card in this event), Damage Swap, and some Water/Colorless decks,
among others.
One problem that came up during play was Blaine’s Charizard,
which is different in the Japanese version. The original
Japanese card’s first attack discards only the Fire Energy cards
that are not used to pay for the attack’s energy cost. Non-
Japanese ones discard all of the Fire Energy cards attached to
it, thus doing more damage.
The top eight came down to: Sheng Zheng, Michael Perucca, Jorge
Figueiredo, Ryosuke Araki, Andy Diedrich, Dillon Jarman, Jason
Imperiale, and Michael Baia.
The top eight players would play in a three-round, single
elimination tournament.
In the end, it would come down to Jorge Figueiredo and Andy
Diedrich for the final battle. As I was handed the decks for the
other contestants, and proceeded writing them down, I was unable
to watch the match commence. But Jorge’s Rocket’s Zapdos, a key
card that helped him win other games, came through for him and
let him win the event.
The decks for the remaining six finishers include:
—–| Sheng Zheng
1 Mr. Mime 3 Pokemon Breeder
1 Cleffa 1 Gold Berry
2 Steelix 1 Professor Elm
2 Dark Blastoise 3 Professor Oak
1 Blastoise 4 Computer Search
1 Wartortle 1 Double Colorless Energy
1 Dark Wartortle 1 Metal Energy
1 Squirtle (BS) 1 Darkness Energy
3 Squirtle (TR) 2 Full-Heal Energy
3 Lapras 2 Rainbow Energy
3 Onix 16 Water Energy
3 Articuno
—–| Michael Perucca
3 Blaine’s Growlithe (L.20) 1 Item Finder
3 Blaine’s Arcanine 1 Super Energy Removal
4 Cyndaquil 1 Time Capsule
3 Quilava (L.21) 3 Gust of Wind
3 Typhlosion (L.55) 2 Blaine
1 Cleffa 2 Professor Elm
1 Ditto 2 Professor Oak
1 Dratini (BS) 3 Computer Search
1 Dratini (TR) 1 Double Colorless Energy
2 Dark Dragonair 18 Fire Energy
1 Dark Dragonite
1 Elekid
2 Pikachu (N1)
—–| Ryosuke Araki
1 Elekid 1 Pokemon Trader
1 Rocket’s Zapdos 1 Super Energy Removal
1 Cleffa 1 Energy Removal
1 Tyrouge 1 Focus Band
1 Electabuzz (BS) 1 Item Finder
2 Electrode (BS) 1 Gust of Wind
1 Voltorb (BS) 1 Pokemon Breeder
1 Voltrob (TR) 4 Professor Oak
1 Lickitung (J) 4 Computer Search
1 Sneasel 1 Double Colorless Energy
1 Magmar (F) 1 Potion Energy
3 Charizard 1 Metal Energy
4 Charmeleon 1 Darkness Energy
3 Charmander (BS) 2 Full-Heal Energy
1 Charmander (TR) 2 Rainbow Energy
3 Recycle Energy
6 Fire Energy
5 Electric Energy
—–| Dillon Jarman
1 Scyther (J) 3 Pokemon Trader
1 Wooper 4 Professor Elm
1 Pikachu (N1) 1 Nightly Garbage Run
1 Electabuzz (N1) 3 Computer Search
1 Elekid 1 Professor Oak
1 Chansey 2 Gust of Wind
1 Cleffa 1 Item Finder
1 Magmar (N1) 1 Double Colorless Energy
4 Cyndaquil (L.21) 1 Darkness Energy
4 Quilava (N1) 2 Full-Heal Energy
3 Typhlosion (L.55) 16 Fire Energy
3 Blaine’s Growlithe (L.20)
3 Blaine’s Arcanine
—–| Jason Imperiale
4 Nidoran M 1 Item Finder
4 Nidorino 1 Gold Berry
3 Nidoking 1 Super Energy Removal
1 Scyther (J) 2 Gust of Wind
3 Oddish (TR) 3 Computer Search
3 Staryu (BS) 3 Professor Elm
1 Cleffa 4 Professor Oak
1 Pichu 1 Darkness Energy
1 Double Colorless Energy
5 Water Energy
18 Grass Energy
—–| Michael Baia
1 Chansey 1 Super Energy Removal
1 Scyther (J) 4 Pokemon Center
1 Ditto 2 Pokemon Breeder
3 Lickitung 4 Switch
2 Sabrina’s Psyduck 1 Professor Oak
2 Sabrina’s Golduck 3 Professor Elm
3 Abra (TR) 1 Double Colorless Energy
1 Kadabra 23 Psychic Energy
3 Alakazam
2 Rocket’s Mewtwo
2 Mr. Mime
—–| Victor Crusner
(NOTE: Victor was not a top-eight finisher, but was very close.
His deck is included at his request.)
3 Rocket’s Mewtwo 1 Pluspower
4 Onix (N1) 3 Switch
3 Steelix 2 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Rocket’s Hitmonchan 3 Professor Oak
3 Computer Search
1 Metal Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
15 Fighting Energy
12 Psychic Energy
At the conclusion of battle, the players were instructed to meet
for the outdoor dinner and award ceremony. Just as the room was
clearing out, I traded with a Japanese individual, getting a
Japanese ANA Marill and ANA Togepi, along with the Japanese movie
Igglybuff and Tyrogue, and finishing off with an Ooyama’s
I made my way to the green, and as I was waiting, and Japanese
woman by the name of Junko Hanna from the Pokemon Company stopped
me and said, “You must be Edo.”
“Uh, yes,” I replied.
She said, “My name is Junko, from the Pokemon Company. I’ve
been to your website. I read the earlier Tropical Mega Battle
Reports that you wrote.”
Of course I was embarrassed about it. “How did you find my
webpage?” I asked.
“Well, it’s famous, after all. I went there from the Pojo.”
Ack. I guess I’m more well-known than I thought.
The awards ceremony began shortly afterward. I took a seat at
the table occupied by Mr. Gills, and Steve Perucca.
After words of encouragement and satisfaction by Mr. Ishihara and
the CEO of Wizards of the Coast, the awards were given out.
Jorge Figueiredo, winner of the constructed tournament, was asked
to say some words about the event, but it all consisted of “Yes”,
“No”, and “I’m embarrassed” answers. The top three finishers
were given medals. All of the contestants were given prizes.
After the main awards, a special commendation was given for two
distinct players, recognized as “The Most Impressive Players.”
The Wizards of the Coast staff picked one Japanese player, and
the Japanese staff picked one non-Japanese player. Wizards of
the Coast selected a young man by the name of Hiroshi. He was
selected by the Wizards of the Coast staff for doing his best to
communicate in English with his opponents. Victor Crusner was
chosen as the non-Japanese Most Impressive Player, as he
displayed an intense “fighting spirit” to his opponents.
Dinner commenced, where there was a large buffet waiting. During
dinner, singers and dancers provided entertainment. At the close
of dinner, a Fire Knives (the fire batons) Dancer displayed his
The free-battle room once against opened from eight o’clock and
eleven o’clock. There, I battled Mr. Perucca and his Blaine
deck, and realized that the non-Japanese version of Blaine’s
Charizard was too powerful. I gave him my badge after I lost.
After that, I played against one of the Japanese staff. He used
a Donphan deck, and it really hurt when he played a Chaos Gym on
his first turn. All I could do was say “Ow” in Japanese. I also
lost to him, and gave him my badge. As I waited for Imakuni? to
show up, I also got to play against Mr. Ooyama and his Muk deck.
I won this time, and gave him a random English promo card, and my
badge. I also got him to sign my Ooyama’s Pikachu.
Imakuni? showed up, and as I waited in a line (of sorts) to play
him, Mr. Perucca started a booster draft. The Japanese players
were quite interested, as they had never played in booster drafts
before. Since they were so interested, Mr. Foster got Wizards of
the Coast to donate two boxes so that some Japanese players could
play a booster draft.
I played against Imakuni?. And then his Imakuni?’s Doduo came
out. I have to admit that, regardless of how weird the songs he
sings are, he is an incredible singer. He had to sing whenever
he used the attack on the card. When he was playing me, he
started singing, “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas”…in
English. It was quite embarrassing, but entertaining
nonetheless. I won this time. I got an Imakuni? bendable
figure, and gave him my badge, along with two random promo cards.
I also got my Imakuni? card signed by him.
I then proceeded to give out the remainder of my badges,
seemingly at random. I gave one to Mr. Akabane, Mr. Ishihara,
Ms. Rui, and Ms. Hanna. Ms. Hanna laughed quite bit when she saw
the badge, and gave me an English Neo 2 Magnemite in return.
The Japanese booster draft concluded, and the prizes were handed
out. The first-place winner was given a special bag by Mr.
Since it was after eleven o’clock, the room was being cleaned
out. I told Mr. Foster that I had to leave, since I had a final
exam in a college class the next day. He relayed that to some of
the Japanese staff, and one of their jaws dropped. I explained
that the exam was going to be easy, so not to worry.
Overall, it was another exciting experience at the Tropical Mega
Battle. I would like to thank the Wizards of the Coast staff,
including Ron Foster, Michael Gills, and Johanna Cox for making
me feel welcome. I would also like to extend my thanks to Mr.
Ishihara, Tomoaki Imakuni and Junko Hanna for extending their
P.S.: Oh, and by the way, I got around a ninety percent on that